


Public administration in the process of its functioning and implementation appears as a complex phenomenon, which requires the disclosure and knowledge of its nature. Depending on the identification of the laws of deployment of social and value fundamentals of public administration, the effectiveness of social organization, the solution of socio-economic problems and the formation of the legal system is determined. The disclosure of the essence and characteristics of public administration and local government in the context of metropolitan agglomeration should primarily focus on the study of democratic principles and principles of organization and implementation of public administration and local government in general, which at the same time reflect the immanent qualities of these phenomena from the methodological positions of their content, politically -legal and social and managerial nature and determine the formation of the metropolitan area, the formation of the Kyiv metropolitan agglomeration, as well as the necessary the implementation of Kyiv along with the capital’s functions of the world’s city. This requires the development of high technology, knowledge economy, information technology, diversified and globally operating industrial, financial and service structures. Public administration as a power-organizing activity of control bodies of the state is carried out also outside the system of executive bodies. The content of power is most clearly manifested in public administration. But it is important to take into account that in any democratic state the functions of the executive power are exercised not only by the state authorities (for example, they can be delegated to local self-government bodies, other non-state institutions). Consequently, some functions of public administration are implemented outside the executive branch, but at the same time some of the functions of the executive may be implemented outside the public administration. This is the specificity of the relation between the concepts of "executive power" and "public administration". However, in the context of this study, the very fact of the existence of an indissociable link between state power and public administration is important, which makes it possible to emphasize the commonality of their value characteristics and characteristics. The article reveals the hustle and basic principles of public administration.

Author Biography

Євген Олександрович Романенко

Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Professor, Vice-Rector of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kyiv, st. 02, 02000, Frometovskaya, Ukraine tel .: (044) 490-95-05



How to Cite

Романенко, Є. О. (2019). PRINCIPLES AND FUNCTIONS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Scientific Herald: Public Administration, (1(1), 91–99.