



The article deals with the discourse field of problems of formation of mechanisms of state regulation of fire safety. It is stated that, during the Middle Ages, the largest cities in Europe were constantly affected by devastating fires. Moscow and Kiev were repeatedly devastated by fire, and Strasbourg burned down eight times in the fourteenth century. Berlin completely burned out twice. In London, on September 2, 1666, such a grand fire began, which could not be extinguished for five days. The devastating element destroyed nearly 13,000 homes and 87 churches.

It is noted that during the medieval wars there were frequent fires, but still the main cause of the fire is the human factor, combined with primitive building technologies, a large number of flammable materials for construction and the inability of man to adequately resist fire.

It has been determined that, understanding the fatalities of fires, the state apparatus, at first, chaotically and haphazardly, undertakes the introduction of mechanisms of state regulation of fighting fires and their consequences. Small towns are formed, following the example of military wives. They are united for the purpose of combating fire on their own - ladders and buckets deliver water to places of fire, extinguish fires by improvised means. It is noted that the constant looming threat of fire in crowded cities, and especially in the summer, required people to take precautionary measures. At the same time, the first state-approved rules emerge to determine what people should do to prevent a fire, minimize its effects, and bear responsibility for the careless handling of fire.

Analyzing the experience of the states of the ancient world, it is determined that the military units, because of the high degree of their organization, were the main tool for extinguishing fires. This practice has taken place not only in Ancient Rome and China, but also in Babylon, Egypt, Iran and others. Thus, in the mechanisms of state regulation of the development of fire safety, there are two main directions: prevention of fires and organization of fire fighting.



How to Cite

Борисов, А. В. (2020). DISCOURSE FIELD OF FORMATION OF MECHANISMS OF PUBLIC REGULATION OF FIRE SAFETY. Scientific Herald: Public Administration, 2(2(4). https://doi.org/10.32689/2618-0065-2020-2(4)-52-62

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