

Abstract. The article examines the experience of public administration in the field of fire safety and the elimination of the consequences of natural and man-made emergencies in Japan. The author analyses the structure of public administration in a certain sphere, describes the hierarchical model of the construction of public administration in the area under consideration, describes in detail each of the hierarchical levels of the system. In doing so, the author presents the functions, responsibilities and tasks performed by each of the elements of the system of fire safety and the elimination of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters in Japan.

The article discusses the regulatory framework for the activities of the relevant services and agencies established in Japan to prevent the occurrence of fires and their elimination, and to reduce the negative consequences of disasters caused by natural factors, the chances of which, according to the author are very high in Japan due to its geographical location.

The author gives statistics on the number of fires, losses from them and the number of deaths in Japan over a period of time since 1992. At the same time, the author has made a statistical analysis of the given data array, which resulted in obtaining regression equations for approximating dependencies for the number of fires and deaths in those fires for the ten-year period from 2007 to 2016, which, according to the author, reflect the presence of a steady downward trend. At the same time, the author calculated the determination coefficient and described his essence and value for use in public administration.

According to the author the steady tendency to reduce the number of fires and deaths is a consequence of Japan's reform of public administration in the field of fire safety, as well as the consistency, internal consistency and consistency of the legal framework governing the relevant public services as well as private companies in Japan.

The author uses the method of historical parallelism when considering public administration in the field of fire safety in Japan, the USSR and, in particular, the Ukrainian SSR (before 1991) and Ukraine, after gaining independence. The article emphasizes particular importance to those parallels in reforming the system of local self-government that is being conducted in Ukraine today and the positive experience already existing in the work of the municipalities of Japan regarding the provision of fire safety and response to the various environmental challenges that are the source of emergencies of different origin.

It should be noted that in spite of all the efforts of public administration and local authorities in Japan, aimed primarily at the organization of preventive measures to prevent the fires, in the said country, there are still quite large fires, but the conclusions made by the relevant state institutions, in order to prevent such a repetition in the future, are reflected almost immediately in the methodological recommendations, and the change in regulatory and regulatory regulation of some economic entities. This conclusion is achieved by the author applying case-study method of analysis of large-scale fires that have arisen in Japan in the last few years.

The data obtained from the article indicated that the experience of organizing the Japanese fire service at the municipal level is appropriate and time-consuming in the conditions of decentralization and deconcentration of power in Ukraine. But at the same time the author cautions against the danger of loss of control and an increase in entropy in the process of reforming non- pockets of local self-government institutions.

The author concludes that in public administration in the field of fire safety in Ukraine there are a number of unresolved problems regarding the construction of an effective security system for the protection of personality, society and the state from the current challenges associated with the emergence of fires and emergencies.

In conclusion, the author focuses his research on the practical application of Japanese experience in the reform of local self-government bodies in Ukraine, as well as provides specific methodological recommendations for public administration and local government bodies regarding the implementation of the reform of the State Service of Ukraine for Emergency Situations.

Author Biography

Сергій Васильович Говорун

PhD in Public Administration



How to Cite

Говорун, С. В. (2020). PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN JAPAN’S FIRE SAFETY: EXPERIENCE FOR UKRAINE. Scientific Herald: Public Administration, 1(1(3), 29–52. Retrieved from