



governance, national security, civil defense, security, protection, crisis, emergency.


In order to determine the best management practices, the experience of the State of Israel in managing the security of the civilian population in crisis situations was investigated. According to the results of the research on the normative provision of the security of the civilian population in crisis situations, it was determined that the task of protecting the civilian population in crisis situations is assigned in Israel to civil defense, which is a component of the national security system and is focused on the protection of the civilian population in cases of natural and man-made emergencies, implements response measures to cases related to various military and terrorist threats to the civilian population, including terrorist acts using car bombs and planting explosive devices in public places and transport, cases of rocket and bomb attacks, as well as hijacking of planes and buses, seizure of public buildings. It has been established that the state policy in the sphere of national security of Israel is implemented in a coordinated manner at the state and local levels, where the state is entrusted with the implementation of strategic programs using the basic principles of national security, while local authorities take care of the protection of territories in their area of responsibility. Local authorities are tasked with creating defense infrastructure and developing procedures for deploying forces and means to protect the civilian population in natural and man-made emergencies. That is, the scope of competences of Israeli local authorities includes not only the development and territorial development, but also the creation of a territorial subsystem of defense and rear defense, support of defense capabilities, protection of the civilian population and critical infrastructure objects in crisis situations. It has been established that the State of Israel has chosen a military-oriented approach to management in crisis situations, which is due to the genesis of the state itself and the surrounding security environment due to the existence of a constant source of existential threat and limited resources due to the peculiarities of the geographical location. It should also be noted that such an approach in the existing realities of the country provides an opportunity to apply the model of the internal front (rear) in the conditions of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature and combat operations, which is confirmed by the existing positive experience of the operation of the «Iron Dome» system. The conducted study of the experience of the State of Israel regarding the development of civilian security management mechanisms in crisis situations is not exhaustive and requires the continuation of scientific investigations to determine the functioning of such a specific legal mechanism as economics of emergencies.



How to Cite

Терент’єва , А. (2023). EXPERIENCE OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL REGARDING CIVILIAN SAFETY MANAGEMENT IN CRISIS SITUATIONS. Scientific Herald: Public Administration, (2 (14), 310–333. https://doi.org/10.33269/2618-0065-2023-2(14)-310-333