

The article deals with the instruments of regulatory activity of local governments. It is stated that the formulation, implementation and monitoring of the state regulatory policy at the local level is a complex and responsible task, because, in addition to considering the requirements of national policies of management of a particular industry, it is necessary to pay attention to local peculiarities and strategic directions of development of a community. This is especially true for the united territorial communities (UTC), which, through decentralization processes, including sectoral ones, have been given extended powers to manage various areas of their socio-economic complex. An analysis of the regulatory framework is being conducted, which can serve local governments for the implementation of state regulatory policy at the local level. At the local level, it is noted that most of the regulatory instruments that can be used by local governments are related to administrative and economic regulation. Such instruments in the field of administrative regulation in the article highlight the powers in the field of state architectural and construction control, and in the field of economic regulation - the authority to impose optional local taxes and fees, as well as to determine the rates of local taxes and fees, which are mandatory. Regulations in the sphere of state building control are carried out by the relevant units of executive bodies of local governments, and administrative services are provided through these bodies or centers of administrative services. Economic regulation through the introduction of optional local taxes and fees, as well as through the setting of rates of mandatory taxes and fees, occurs only through decision-making by village, town or city councils of the respective administrative and territorial units, and may differ within different settlements of one UTC. Further exploration of the process of formation, implementation and monitoring of state regulatory policy at the local level is considered advisable for analysis of the size of mandatory local taxes and fees and their impact on the economy and development of the united territorial communities.



How to Cite

Дурман, М. О., & Дрожжин, Д. Ю. (2020). REGULATORY INSTRUMENTS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Scientific Herald: Public Administration, 1(1(3), 84–96. Retrieved from