
  • Anna Munko Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs



state regulation, consumer market, self-regulation of consumer markets, institutional environment, transaction costs, limited rationality of interaction between the parties


The parties to the interaction are in the institutional environment as a set of "rules of the game" (rules, guidelines, norms, sanctions, etc.), which form the economic, political, socio-legal framework of interaction between the subjects of the consumer market. The subjective structure of regulatory influence in the consumer market is represented by state, regional institutions and organizations. At the same time, these institutions are not only an institution of political power, but also a public institution that forms the socio-legal field of functioning of economic agents. These entities provide a functional basis for the implementation of organizational and institutional management of the consumer market in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to study the institutional aspects of relations arising in the process of state influence and self-regulation of consumer markets, regulation of their development as a system of measures for state programming of the economy of Ukraine and regions. That is, the continuous process of market influence on the supply and demand, as well as the fight against the "shadow" economy, aimed at solving the challenges facing businesses and the state in conditions of economic and legal uncertainty. The article identifies the parties to the interaction of the national consumer market, scenarios of their interaction, features of formalization of such interaction, taking into account the peculiarities of the national character, as well as factors of limited rationality of the parties to the interaction. The most significant institutional problems of the market in Ukraine are substantiated. The process of organization of the consumer market of Ukraine is analyzed and the dominance of informal institutions that determine business activity and redistribution of transaction costs through informal payments are revealed. Quantitative assessment of transaction costs of business entities based on data. The ways of development of the institutional environment of state regulation of the consumer market in Ukraine are offered.


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How to Cite

Мунько, А. . (2021). INSTITUTIONAL FEATURES OF STATE REGULATION OF THE CONSUMER MARKET OF UKRAINE. Scientific Herald: Public Administration, (4(10), 95–115.