Plagiarism policy

The journal of scientific works "Scientific Bulletin: Public Administration" accepts only original materials, articles that have not been published before and were not submitted for publication in other magazines.

The journal of scientific works uses the software to detect text borrowings in the submitted manuscripts: Unicheck, eTXT. Manuscripts that detected plagiarism or text borrowing without reference to the original source are rejected by the editorial board before the publication of the article in the journal.

The editorial board of the journal of scientific works analyzes any case of plagiarism in essence. If plagiarism or text borrowing is detected by editors or reviewers at any stage before the publication of the manuscript, the author (s) warn of the need to rewrite the text or make a reference to the original.

The percentage of plagiarism is calculated by software, and is evaluated by the editorial board.

If after the publication a plagiarism is discovered, the editorial board conducts an analysis of this fact. If a plagiarism is found, the magazine editor will contact the author. Pages that contain plagiarism will be flagged in a PDF. Depending on the scale of the plagiarism, the document may also be withdrawn (deleted).

Recommendations for avoiding plagiarism:

  • Use the legs for information taken verbatim from the source;
  • Do not change parts of the quote in the context of the sentence;
  • use three dots (space and three dots) for a part of the omitted quotation;
  • use parentheses for added own words;
  • Restrict the use of direct quotations.

The authors are responsible for obtaining a copyright license to reproduce illustrations, tables, drawings taken from other authors and / or sources. The permission must be placed below each item.