Supporting interstate regional cooperation: institutional prospects for the development of euroregions




Public administration, regional administration, euroregion, interstate regional cooperation.


In the scientific literature, the concept of Euroregion has different interpretations, in particular, most scholars characterize the Euroregion as a form of interstate regional (cross-border) cooperation between territorial communities or local authorities of border regions of two or more states that have a common border. coordinated measures in various spheres of life in accordance with national laws and norms of international law to address common problems and in the interests of the people inhabiting its territory on both sides of the state border. The main characteristics of the Euroregion, which are used in the scientific literature, are the following: geographical - the Euroregion is a territory that has a specific geographical location; political - parts of this territory are under the jurisdiction of sovereign states that have a common border.

It is proved that Euroregions form border regions of states that have a common border; functional - the Euroregion is a form of interstate regional (cross-border) cooperation. The main tasks, which according to the analysis of scientific sources, should be formulated for the activities of Euroregions, are the following: exchange of experience and information; equalization and constant improvement of living conditions; support for regional development; economic development, trade and tourism; protection and improvement of the environment; cooperation in prevention and overcoming of natural disasters and catastrophes; cooperation in the field of humanitarian and social activities, in the field of education, sports and health; cultural exchange and care for cultural heritage.

It is substantiated that in contrast to the formation and functioning of Euroregional structures in the European Community, where the initiative to form such structural units mainly belongs to local communities, all Euroregions with the participation of administrative-territorial units of Ukraine were initiated by public administration structures. This has both positive aspects, because on the one hand, it shows that at the level of higher authorities there is an awareness of the need to participate in modern integration projects, to establish good neighborly relations between neighboring states. On the other hand, in the conditions of decentralization it is necessary to increase the independence of local authorities, active local policy in the field of interstate regional cooperation.

It is determined that today the Euroregion is the main tool for cooperation at the level of regions and territorial communities, acting as a cross-border regional association of border administrative territories in order to coordinate interstate regional cooperation.



How to Cite

Воротін, В. Є., & Шевченко, А. В. (2020). Supporting interstate regional cooperation: institutional prospects for the development of euroregions. Scientific Herald: Public Administration, 3(3(5), 22–33.