


Emergencies carry out considerable influence on social, economic, political and other processes in society. Therefore state administration in the conditions of emergencies of different character is one of more important functions of the state in relation to providing of steady development and national safety of country. An increase of efficiency of state administration in the field of it is a pressing question that appears before the organs of state administration in modern terms. But his reformation needs the self-weighted and rational decisions taking into account positive home experience that was formed under act of certain historical terms. One of major features of professional activity of civil servants there is her orientation on preparation, acceptance and realization of administrative decisions that are especially actual in the conditions of origin of emergencies, as miscalculations are at their liquidation, as a rule, descendant absence of sufficient experience and necessary knowledge for the leaders of all corresponding links of management. The primary purpose of functioning of the single state system of civil defence is realization of public policy in the field of civil defence. Thus, efficiency of functioning of the single state system of civil defence is in direct dependence on the quality planning, namely: developments of plans of basic events of civil defence, actions of organs of management, forces and reacting. In turn, quality of designing documents depends on ability of leaders of all levels to forecast risks, take into account multi-variant approach of consequences and feature of emergencies, clearly to plan events in relation to prevention of emergencies and liquidation of their consequences. An important role in the field of it is taken to the strategic planning of preventive events the task of that consists in reduction of risks of threat of origin of emergencies, and in case of their origin of − in softening of consequences. Unfortunately, in practice of organization of planning of events the cases of ignoring of results of prognosis, underestimation of level of threats of origin of emergencies and, as a result, ill-timed reacting, prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergencies take place in the sphere of civil situations.

Author Biography

Петро Ілліч Гаман

Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Head of Public Management Department for Civil Protection of Research Center for Civil Protection Measures, Ukrainian Research Institute of Civil Protection, Kyiv, st. Rybalska, 18, 01011, Ukraine tel .: (044) 280-18-01



How to Cite

Гаман, П. І. (2019). THE ROLE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN THE SYSTEM OF PROTECTION OF CIVIL PROTECTION IN UKRAINE. Scientific Herald: Public Administration, (1(1), 25–33.