


The article reveals the innovative role of education in improving the efficiency of educational institutions from the perspective of a systematic approach in the context of training high-quality labor potential of Ukraine. The analysis of the latest reform actions of higher authorities on the modernization of the education system, which proved their inability to make a significant contribution to improving the quality of functioning of educational institutions and other structures of this super-important industry, is carried out. The main reason for this situation is the lack of a strategic vision of the content component of modernizing these processes.

The article reveals the essence of the innovative content of the modernization of the national education system, associated with the implementation of the ideology of eco human-centrism and a systematic approach to promote each individual’s self- realization throughout life. A single cross-cutting system-forming human-centric idea is defined, namely, the promotion of self-realization of the individual during life within the framework of universal morality and national consciousness.


Attention is focused on the final results of higher and professional education institutions – training both competitive and competitive graduates who meet the parameters of professional standards.

The outlines of state management of the education system based on the ideology of eco human-centrism with the participation of all participants in the educational process, which is associated with the promotion of self-realization of the individual within the framework of universal morality and national consciousness.

The role of the graduate and society in the face of the employer is determined, which determines the quality of professional education. The ways of conquering the idea of modernizing the education system through providing secondary education applicants with such key competencies as: «teach to learn» and «teach them to live together in a multicultural society», as well as to become competitive throughout their lives. The transition to cultural target management based on the final results of the activities of all educational organizations, both educational institutions and state structures is proposed.



How to Cite

Головач, Н. В., & Дмитренко, Г. А. (2020). INNOVATION A MEANINGFUL PART OF THE MODERNIZATION OF EDUCATION IN UKRAINE. Scientific Herald: Public Administration, 2(2(4).