

The modern concept of the category "management personnel" is considered and the main features of their activity are reflected. The necessity of selection for the civil service of potentially capable managers, who have the appropriate talent and desire, to prepare them for effective work in the conditions of innovation-oriented development, which can and should be fulfilled by the system of management education, is stated. Formation of an innovation-oriented domestic system of management training is an urgent need of modern society. An important and integral part of this system is the higher education institutions that offer a series of management courses.

Some differences of management personnel training in the sphere of public administration from traditional academic education are identified.

It is noted that many modern civil servants holding managerial positions have not received specific training in management. Therefore, the training of the already formed leadership should be given special importance, since the development of innovatively-oriented government is impossible without leaders who have the modern knowledge, skills to effectively develop and make management decisions.

Continuous professional training of managerial staff should become one of the priority areas of personnel policy and should be carried out in order to improve the efficiency and quality of work of a civil servant, to constantly increase the level of his professionalism, mastering new methods of management, and working skills in the conditions of innovation-oriented development of the country.

A special place in the system of vocational education should be given to strengthening the relations between educational institutions and with state bodies. The main tasks for the decision of which should be directed training of the administrative staff of the civil service, as well as the basic principles of the system of training of management personnel of public administration bodies.

To increase the innovativeness of the education system, the problem of finding and training high-level teachers and improving the skills of the teaching staff is quite relevant today. Educational institutions should operate in a context where requirements for the professionalism and competence of managers at all levels of government are constantly changing.



How to Cite

Федотова, Т. А. (2020). CONCEPTUAL BASES OF PUBLIC SERVICE MANAGEMENT TRAINING. Scientific Herald: Public Administration, 1(1(3), 185–195. Retrieved from