



рolitics, public policy, mechanisms of public administration, public administration, public administration of higher education, management of higher education, quality assurance of higher education, quality of higher education.


The purpose of this article is to analyze the reveal the basic principles of public administration regarding the principle of ensuring the quality of higher education in Ukraine. Realization of the research goal uses various methods, namely: logical analysis, synthesis and generalization. The following methods were used in the research process: logical analysis, which involved a detailed study of international documents regulating the sphere of quality assurance of higher education; synthesis, which made it possible to determine various aspects of the implementation of the system of quality assurance of higher education; and generalization, which consisted in determining the specifics of the legislative foundations of the system of quality assurance of higher education. On the basis of the conducted research, it can be concluded that ensuring the highest quality of education is a critical factor for the development and prosperity of every state. A high standard of education has a direct impact on all spheres of life in society and the nation as a whole. Quality education contributes to the creation of the innovative potential of the country, forms highly qualified citizens with a developed level of education and culture, is a key factor in ensuring economic growth. The country, marked by the highest level of quality of higher education, receives a strong international reputation, which attracts the attention of leading scientists and investors. Thus, ensuring the quality of higher education becomes a strategic goal for any state, as it has a significant impact on all aspects of society's development. Normative definition of quality assurance of higher education plays a key role by establishing basic norms, principles and procedures that regulate this sphere. This is important for creating a stable and predictable environment that promotes the development of education and increases its quality. In addition, the determination of the mechanisms of control over the quality of education, in particular the procedures for the accreditation of educational institutions and programs, as well as the establishment of responsibility for violations of norms and quality standards, is an essential aspect. It can also increase the country’s international reputation, increase attractiveness for foreign students and investors, and promote mutual recognition of diplomas and qualifications. Quality education is an important prerequisite for the development of science and technology, contributing to the creation of conditions for innovation and scientific research, which opens up new opportunities for the development of society and the economy. Thus, the normative definition of quality assurance of higher education acts as a key tool for promoting the development of the educational system and ensuring its efficiency and competitiveness in the international arena. Among the potential areas of research in the field of public administration in the field of higher education, it is worth noting the management of quality assurance of education in digital learning.



How to Cite

Бачинський, . М. . (2024). POLICY TO ENSURE THE QUALITY OF HIGHER EDUCATION: EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE. Scientific Herald: Public Administration, (1 (15), 259–271. https://doi.org/10.33269/2618-0065-2024-1(15)-259-271