


public administration, electronic management, comparison of standards, state standards, management methods, object management.


In the article, the author outlines the basics of comparing quality standards in the fields of electronic management and notes that each field of activity reflected by the management system is conditioned by the ability to compare and compare objects according to quality parameters, which should include a product or product, an enterprise, state institutions together with their subordinate institutions, which ensures compliance with the rational organization of its activities. The author compares the quality standards of the above-mentioned objects according to such features as: the proportionality of the elements of the management system of any sphere of activity – according to the productivity or volume of the work performed, provision of resources and information, personnel; parallel flow of significant components of the process within structural formations (can also be objects for comparison), directness (short path with a minimum of links); rhythm; specialization and concentration of process components; application of the latest technologies to enhance communication capabilities. Research methods. Scientific understanding is based on a combination of such methods as analysis, synthesis and generalization. The author notes that the methods of conducting research during the comparison of quality standards in the fields of electronic management can be testing; surveys (questionnaires, interviews); observation of the educational process and educational activities in educational institutions; analysis of documentation of educational institutions. The author focuses on the fact that the more important benchmark for comparing quality standards is the efficiency, perfection and reliability of primary means, which are characterized by the widest functional capabilities, the maximum prevalence of ICT (information and communication technologies), and even the best consumer properties, which in general provides high quality and diversity of all types of resources , material and technical support, resulting in the state’s ability to acquire and at the same time spread knowledge and innovation among society. This approach makes it possible to determine the speed and effectiveness of the state’'s response when comparing quality standards to changes in the external environment, along with establishing relationships and processes that arise from the internal environment. And in the future, the comparison of quality standards contributes to the formation of strategic guidelines – such as the state’s desire for the novelty of management processes, which reveals the potential of all objects depending on all types of resource provision, accompanied by trends in their development, improvement and improvement.



How to Cite

Білик , О. . (2024). BASIS OF COMPARISON OF QUALITY STANDARDS REGARDING SPHERES OF ACTIVITY IN THE STATE. Scientific Herald: Public Administration, (1 (15), 165–175.