

It is proved that an important element in the formation of a market mechanism for employment regulation is the problem of the management link. First of all, this concerns the mechanism of cooperation between regional, regional, local and sectoral governing bodies. The priority task of the regional link of the system of management of labor resources and employment of the population is to ensure the reliable functioning of district and city systems, inter-district accounting and regulation of employment, as well as to provide economic conditions for the redistribution of labor in order to increase its efficiency and prevent it. It is determined that forecasting with parallel conceptualization of labor market management serves as a basis for organizing work to ensure the balance of employment of the working population. The levels of practical realization of management activity are analyzed. It is noted that the modern activity of the management apparatus in the labor market is not open enough and therefore ineffective. It is proposed to introduce and disseminate mental special qualities of managers and areas of competence of heads of state institutions. Attributes of the system-cybernetic approach in labor market management in Ukraine have been developed. It is stated that only highly organized and motivated work can produce positive results. It is determined that in the personnel management process the employer should develop a strategy and methodology based on managing the information flow of case management, implementation of the software product in specific conditions. The causes of aggravation of problems of regional management in the labor market are analyzed. It is proposed to bring the Constitution of Ukraine in line with international perceptions of socio-economic human rights in order to increase the social status of pro-empirical problems. The basic elements of the organizational and governance mechanism of labor market management are identified. The main requirements for exit from the workplace tax are analyzed. It is noted that the experience of working of Ukrainian citizens in industrialized countries helps to improve their skills, to strengthen their well-being and their families living in Ukraine, to introduce advanced technologies at home,  to establish joint ventures, to develop business activity and entrepreneurship.




How to Cite

Kovach, V. O. (2020). MODERN ACTIVITY OF MANAGEMENT APPARATUS IN THE LABOR MARKET. Scientific Herald: Public Administration, 1(1(3), 121–130. Retrieved from