
  • Tetyana Kuzmenko Навчально-науковий інститут «Інститут державного управління», Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна



public administration, mechanisms, counteract raiding


In Ukraine, the redistribution of property rights to the means of production continues. At the same time, both completely legal (purchase and sale, mergers and acquisitions) and illegal methods are used, including raider attacks. Given the growing scale of this social phenomenon and the mainly negative consequences of its spread, the fight against raider attacks is an object of public administration, which requires further improvement of methodological support of this process. All the above-mentioned determines the relevance of the given research. Problems of public anti-raiding administration has become the cornerstone of a number of scientific publications and dissertations of specialists in public administration, economics, law, etc. The article aims to supplement the existing methodology of the field of knowledge 28 «Public administration and management», which includes: clarification of the substantive characteristics of such concepts as «anti-raiding» and «mechanisms of public management of anti-raiding»; improving the classification of such mechanisms depending on the level, subject, object, stage, purpose and method of influence; specification of the list of specific means (within the traditional methods) of public management of anti-raiding. The starting point is dissertation research and professional publications of leading scholars who have studied the features of the methodology of public anti-raiding administration. An integrated approach was applied, as well as the following methods were used: abstract-logical – for theoretical generalisations and conclusions; analysis and synthesis – identification of factors influencing the nature and direction of state environmental policy; logical-semantic – improvement of the conceptual and categorical apparatus on the subject of research (namely, «state environmental policy»); comparative analysis – a study of the work of leading scientists on the peculiarities of the implementation of the state environmental policy; systems analysis – investigation of the research object as a set of elements that form a system and interact with each other. Ensuring the protection of business assets is possible with the proper use of appropriate mechanisms for public anti-raiding administration Complementing the existing methodology of the field of knowledge 28 «Public administration and administration», which provides: clarification of the substantive characteristics of the concepts of «anti-raiding» and «mechanisms of public management of anti-raiding»; improving the classification of such mechanisms depending on the level, subject, object, stage, purpose and method of influence; specification of the list of specific means (within the traditional methods) of public anti-raiding administration. Further scientific research should be devoted to the development of theoretical provisions and practical recommendations aimed at improving public anti-raiding administration.



How to Cite

Кузьменко, Т. . (2022). ESSENCE AND CLASSIFICATION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION TO COUNTERACT RAIDING. Scientific Herald: Public Administration, (1(11), 61–73.