
  • Vasyl Tyshchenko Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection
  • Andrii Pruskyi Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection
  • Ihor Vasyliev Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection
  • Taras Skorobagatko Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection




public regulation, man-made safety, risk-oriented approach, management, emergency


Implementation on the territory of Ukraine of modern principles of regulation in the field of man-made and natural safety is carried out at a slow pace. The introduction of European standards of safe living, which is one of the requirements of Ukraine's integration into the EU, is possible subject to the implementation of conceptual and methodological innovations and institutional transformations. Unfortunately, over time, the conceptual principles of risk management today, without losing their relevance, are insufficiently implemented in the practice of governing bodies of the Unified State Civil Protection System. In addition, the need to move from public management of man-made safety to public regulation, as determined by the processes of deregulation in the state poses a scientific problem finding practical ways to implement a risk-oriented approach to the practice of government at all levels. The purpose of the article is to study the possibilities of application in state regulation of man-made safety risk-oriented approach and its content. Risk-oriented approach (ROP) to any activity. assumes that any dangers (in the sphere of production, in everyday life and everyday life), despite their diversity, have the same nature of occurrence and the same logic of events. The main tasks of the ROP are to create a scientific basis for ensuring the reliability of complex technical systems for human safety and the environment, to develop methods for assessing the degree of danger of industrial facilities and the scientific basis of the concept of acceptable risk. The main instruments of public regulation in the field of risk management are state standardization, certification, state expertise, state supervision and control, licensing, economic regulation, declaration of facility safety and insurance.

The main processes of state regulation of man-made safety on the basis of a risk-oriented approach are monitoring of emergencies, identification and certification of the risk of their occurrence, minimization of their impact or consequences (in case of catastrophic development of the situation). The risk assessment should be based on the technical concept of assessing the probability of their occurrence. Areas of further research are to determine the strategic directions of publik regulation of man-made safety based on the application of risk-oriented approach, development of proposals for the practical establishment of emergency monitoring centers.



How to Cite

Тищенко, В., Пруський, А., Васильєв, І., & Скоробагатько , Т. (2021). RISK-ORIENTED APPROACH IN PUBLIC REGULATION OF MAN-MADE SAFETY OF UKRAINE. Scientific Herald: Public Administration, (3(9), 199–214. https://doi.org/10.32689/2618-0065-2021-3(9)-199-214