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Author Guidelines


To publish an article the author should submit the following supporting materials to the following

  1. Article.
  3. Information about the author and co-authors.
  4. Review of the article (for authors without a degree).

Articles drawn up in violation of these requirements are not accepted for placement in the journal.

The author is responsible for the content of the submitted materials.

The filename of the electronic version of the article must contain the author's surname and name.

Requirements for the design of the article:

  • in the upper left corner of the first page is the UDC code (bold)
  • surname, name, patronymic (full), academic degree, academic title, full name of the post and institution where the author (co-authors) works or studies, address of work, telephone, email, ORCID. Below in the center title of the article (bold, capital letters), abstract not less than 1800 characters, including keywords (the above information is submitted in separate blocks in Ukrainian and English before the article, Times New Roman font 14 in size).

The text of the article should be structured:

  • problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks;
  • analysis of recent researches and publications in which the solution to this problem was initiated and based on the author, the allocation of previously unsettled parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted;
  • formulation of the purpose of the article (statement of the task);
  • an outline of the main research material with a full substantiation of the scientific results obtained;
  • conclusions from the given research and prospects of further exploration in this direction;
  • references;
  • References (transliteration) is made in accordance with the Rules for drawing up lists of literature.

Technical requirements: the text of an article should be typed on a computer (WORD editor (version 1998-2003) for WINDOWS) in the Times NewRoman font number 12 with an interline interval of 1, leaving the shield: to the left - 2,5 cm, to the right - 1,5 cm above and below - 1,5 cm.

The use of scanned or photographed schemes, drawings, tables, etc. is not allowed in materials.

An example of writing an article in Ukrainian can be

Listing literature:

  1. Literature sources cited should be numbered in accordance with the order of reference to them in the text. The reference to the source is given in square brackets, for example: "... it is known from [4]. ... "or" ... considered in [4, p. 203] ... ";
  2. The list of references is given at the end of the article according to the procedure for applying in the text in the original language and in accordance with GOST 8302:2015 "INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE. General principles and rules of composition".

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses of the authors of the articles in the journal will be used solely for the implementation of the internal technical tasks of this journal, will not be disseminated and passed on to third parties.