About the Journal

  • The journal "Scientific Herald: Public Administration" (hereinafter - the journal) is created with the purpose of development of the national scientific potential in the field of public administration and its integration into the world scientific space, by publicizing the results of research.

The journal was officially registered in 2020, certificate 24509-14449ПР 20.07.2020.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine # 1643 of 28.12.2019 (Annex 4) to the journal “Scientific Herald: Public Administration” the category “B” was assigned in public administration.

To the journal is assigned the International Standard Serial Number ISSN 2618-0065.

The journal is published 2 time per year (2022).

The founders of the journal are the Ukrainian Research Institute of Civil Protection and the Private Joint-Stock Company "Higher Educational Institution" Interregional Academy of Personnel Management".

The journal is published in scientific partnership with the Ukrainian Assembly of Doctors of Sciences in Public Administration.

The journal is intended for the publication of scientific articles of scientists and practitioners of public administration, teachers, applicants, graduate students, young scientists.

The publication of materials in the journal in the case of authors' compliance with the editorial requirements for scientific professional editions of Ukraine.

The editorial board of the journal is formed from international and domestic specialists of certain areas of the "Public Administration" branch.

Obligatory journal is sended for all authors, the distribution to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Administration of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service, other central authorities, regional state administrations and libraries of Ukraine is carried out.

Aims and Scope

The journal covers the history, theory of the mechanisms of public administration, the issues of functioning of the civil service, local government and reveals the actual problems of public administration in the field of civil protection.

Journals section:

  1. Theory and history of public administration;
  2. Functioning and development of mechanisms of public administration;
  3. Practical aspects of state regulation of protection of population and territories from emergency situations;
  4. Regional government and local government;
  5. Public administration in the field of civil protection and fire safety;
  6. Research, development, projects on public administration and development of civil defense forces;
  7. Ensuring of development of scientific and technical potential in the branch of public administration.